What should I expect during my child’s eye exam?

Watch this helpful video from the American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and make sure to read our additional FAQs below so you can be prepared for your visit!

We look forward to seeing you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my appointment last?

Please be aware that dilated eye exams may last between 2 to 3 hours and non-dilated eye exams may last up to 1 hour depending on the reason for the visit. Dilation drops require 30-45 minutes to take full effect in children. Additionally, we are a specialty office that provides eye care to young children and to adults with double vision. These patients may sometimes require extra time with our staff and physician. The nature of our practice is to give our patients the utmost in care and service. We promise to give you the same careful attention during your appointment. 

What should I bring to my appointment?

We are required to update all patient information, ID, and medical insurance cards upon arrival. We do not accept vision insurance since we provide medical eye exams. Copays are paid at time of check-in. Please bring a list of all prescribed medications. It is also helpful to request any pertinent medical records or previous operative reports and either bring them to your appointment or ask that they be faxed to our office. Our fax number is 256-715-4204.

Please also bring your glasses or contact lenses and your contact lens boxes.

Can I bring my other children to the appointment?

We strongly encourage that you not bring siblings to an appointment unless they are also scheduled to be seen the same day. This allows parents, our staff, and our physician to focus their full attention on the patient and help avoid delays to others. If the presence of a sibling is resulting in delay of the exam, we may politely request that you reschedule your appointment.

Why are dilation drops necessary?

A large pupil created by dilating drops allows the doctor to examine the inside of the eye (parts of the eye behind the iris).  This is necessary to diagnose many different eye problems.  Without the drops, the pupil becomes very small when a doctor shines a light in your child’s eye.  This is a normal pupillary response to light but does not allow for an examination of the inside of the eye.  Also, relaxing the focusing muscles of the eye with the drops is the best way for the doctor to check whether your child needs glasses. See below for a link to more information.

How long will dilation drops last?

Dilating eye drops used for examination of the eyes usually last anywhere from 4 to 24 hours.  This depends on the strength and type of the drop, and on the individual patient. Dilation can last longer in people with lighter colored eyes, and in some cases, may last longer than 24 hours. Children need stronger drops than adults to accurately measure their need for glasses. Weaker drops are used for premature babies or patients with a seizure history.  

What happens if I am late for my appointment?

If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we may have to reschedule as this will impact our other patients’ scheduled appointments for the day.

What happens if I miss my appointment?

If you cannot keep your office appointment, a minimum of 24 hours notification is requested for cancellation or reschedule. Failure to notify may result in a charge of $50.00. A minimum of 2 business days notification is required for reschedule or cancellation of surgery. Failure to notify will result in a fee of $200.00.